This speech reflected President Jackson’s views, and Congress passed the removal act. Not all Indians were savages ranging in an unpopulated forest. Many had farms, cattle, homes, and believed the land they were living on was theirs. It gives me…
The Live Oakersas visited by Mr. Audubon
Famous naturalist James Audubon and friends, visited this area in 1831 and wrote about the Live Oak Cutters—here is part of his report which describes our Flagler County area.
Veterans History ProjectSearchable Database
In 2002 the project staff successfully petitioned for Official Partner status in the Library of Congress~Veterans History Project.
Penon Inlet and the Massacre of the French
The slaughter of the French troops by the Spanish forces in Florida in 1565 took place at Penon Inlet rather than at Matanzas Inlet.
A Plantation in Early FloridaMala Compra
Plantations lined the banks of tidal waterways and freshwater rivers in northeast Florida by the late 1700s. Planters sought wealth from rice and indigo and later sea island cotton.
Hernandez Family Items at Holden House Annex
April 17, 2010, Sally Walker French, the great-great-granddaughter of General Jose Mariano Hernandez presented china, wine decanters, and portraits of the Hernandez family to the Flagler County Historical Society.
A Short History of Flagler County Place Names and Our Early Movers and Shakers
Who were the movers and shakers of these towns and settlements and how did they come to be?
The Development of Flagler County
While many of the Flagler County Pioneers came to till the land in the early 1900’s some, as most do today, came here for other reasons.
Links to Flagler County’s Colorful Past
Flagler County’s history is best understood within the larger context of Florida’s history.
Bunnell Water TowerNational Register of Historic Places Paperwork
Bunnell City Hall National Register of Historic Places Paperwork