Digital Maps and Links

- The 1926 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map is available on the University of Florida George A. Smathers Library website.
- Florida Memory – Maps
- History Speaks – Historical Florida Maps
- Maps of the Past – Florida State Maps
- Map Geeks – Historical Florida Maps
- University of South Florida – Map of the Seat of War
- Library of Congress – The State of Florida 1846
The maps listed below are available for viewing at the Flagler County Historical Society. Some maps cannot be handled by visitors. Please ask at the front desk if you wish to view the map room in the annex.
Flat, Folded & Rolled Maps
Number | Flat, Folded and Rolled Map/Description | Era | Comments | Location | Format |
M5000 | Briarwood Acres (Map of) - Feb. 1969 | 1900s | Many copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5001 | Ownership Map - Flagler County, Florida - 1-1-1974 | 1900s | 4 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5002 | Bulow Subdivision of Lot 8 Bulow Tract (Final unrecorded Plat - Area "C") | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5003 | Flagler County, Florida - Land Use Map - Use Limited Lands - ca. 1954 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5004 | Flagler County, Florida (Aerial) - April 1989 | 1900s | 4 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5005 | Flagler County - ca. 1985 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5006 | Map of East Volusia County | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5007 | Sawmill Estates - Subdivision Unit 1 - ca. 1996 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5008 | Bulow Woods Subdivision - Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 / Bulow Creek Subdivision - July 12, 1985 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5009 | Waterwood Park | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5010 | NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 24, Township 14 South, Range 31 East, Volusia County - April 1970 & May 4, 1967 + Abstract of Title | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5011 | Flagler Beach Lot Map | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5012 | Bike Ways of Northeast Florida - Duval County | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5013 | Flagler County, Florida - Printed by The Flagler Tribune - July - Aug. 1926 | 1900s | Original Fold Out | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5014 | State of Florida - Eureka Dam Quadrangle - Marion County - 1993 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5015 | General Highway Map - Nassau County - April 1985 | 1900s | 2 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5016 | State of Florida - Astor Quadrangle (Topographic) - Astor, FLA - 1983 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5017 | Flagler County - Yellow Book USA Map - 2008 | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5018 | General Highway Map - Volusia County - July 1973 | 1900s | 4 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5019 | General Highway Map - St. Johns County - April 1990 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5020 | U.S. Dept. of Interior Geological Survey - Lake Woodruff Quadrangle - 1962 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5021 | U.S. Dept. of Interior Geological Survey - Lake Kerr Quadrangle - Marion County - 1984 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5022 | Flagler County - 2002-2003 Edition | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5023 | General Highway Map - Flagler County - March 1981 | 1900s | 2 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5024 | General Highway Map - Duval County - October 1991 | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5025 | U.S. Dept. of Interior Geological Survey - Salt Springs Quadrangle - 1970 (Photo-Inspected 1993) | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5026 | Emerald Marsh - Type II Wildlife Management Area | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5027 | Off the Beaten Path in Northeast Florida | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5028 | Map of the Seat of War in Florida - ca. 1839 - U.S. Topogaphical Engineers [LAMINATED] | 1800s | [LAMINATED] | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5029 | Come Celebrate Bunnell's 75th Anniversary [POSTER] | 1900s | [POSTER] 3 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5030 | Map from Reconnaisances under the direction of Col. Fannie U.S.A. and Maj. Ashby U.S.P (2nd Seminole War) - Fort Mellon and Mosquito Inlet area [LAMINATED] | 1800s | [LAMINATED] | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5031 | Bunnell School and Surrounding Lot Map | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5032 | Flagler County Fairgrounds - Aerial View | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5033 | Aerial Photography - View of Flagler County | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5034 | Aerial Photography - View of Flagler County Fairgrounds | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5035 | Intersection of CR-13 and CR-205 Tract Map | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5036 | Aerial Photography - Bunnell | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5037 | The Flagler Tribune - Map - Flagler County, Florida - January 1918 [LAMINATED] | 1900s | [LAMINATED] | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5038 | A General Map of the St. Johns River and British and Indian Territories of East Florida - 1765-1774 [Signed by Dean M. Campbell] | 1700s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5039 | Flagler County, Florida - Printed by The Flagler Tribune - July - Aug. 1926 | 1900s | * Very Brittle | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5040 | Plat Map of Bunnell, St. Johns County, FLA - contains 640 acres | 1900s | Originally hung on the wall of the Bunnell Development Company) * Very Brittle - on a cardboard backing | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5041 | Plat Map of Bunnell, St. Johns County, FLA - contains 640 acres | 1900s | Old Paper Copy in Protective Plastic Folder | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5042 | * Side A - SE U.S.A., Bermuda Islands and West Indies * Side B - Cuba ca. 1881 | 1800s | * Very Brittle | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5043 | Flagler County, Florida - July - August 1926 | 1900s | Original Copy of the Flagler Tribune Map * Very Brittle | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5044 | Plat Map of Bunnell, St. Johns County, FLA - contains 640 acres | 1900s | * Very Brittle | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5045 | Many plants native to Florida helped to shape its history - Florida Public Archaeology Network | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5046 | Dept. of Interior - Topography - Florida - Hilliard Quadrangle | 1900s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5047 | Explore Archaeology - off the Beaten Path in St. Augustine & Northeast Florida | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5048 | Florida Archaeology Month 2011 - Native People - Native Plants | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5049 | Destination - Civil War - Florida Archaeology Month - 2012 | 2000s | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper | |
M5050 | State of Florida - State Road Map - Right of Way - Road No. 5 - Brevard County - ca. Jan. 1956 | 1900s | 4 copies | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5051 | Floridae Americae Provinciae - Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques - 1591 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5052 | Peruuiae avriferæ regionis typus Didaco Mendezio auctore. La Florida - 1584 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5053 | S. Augustini - pars est terra Florida - White, John - 1589 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5054 | Carte Geographique Statistique et Historique de la Floride - 1600s | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5055 | Map of the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico - Vinkeboons, Joan - 1639 | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5056 | Map of the Peninsula of Florida - Vinckeboons, Joan - 1639 | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5057 | A map with part of the Florida coast from Cape Blaise to Apalachie - Slowley, Robert - 1769 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5058 | A plan of part of the rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia in the province of West Florida - Taitt, David - 1771 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5059 | A plan of Pensacola (actual survey) - Purcell, Joseph - 1778 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5060 | A plan of the harbour of Pensacola in West-Florida - Gauld, George - 1764 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5061 | A plan of the land between Fort Mossy and St. Augustine in the province of East Florida - Roworth, Sam - 1760s | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5062 | A Plan of the town of Pensacola - 1767 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5063 | Carte de la Florida & de la Louisiane - Bellin, Jacques Nicolas - 1780 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5064 | Carte de la Louisiane with parts of West Florida - 1790 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5065 | Chart of the coast from Virginia to Cape Florida - Crisp, Edward - 1711 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5066 | Charts of the coast of Florida - de Brahn, J.G.W. - 1765 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5067 | Coast of West Florida and Louisiana - by Tho.'s Jefferys - Geographer to His Majesty - 1795 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5068 | Cuba, Bahama Banks & the Martyrs with Southern Florida by Tho.s Jefferys - Geographer to His Majesty - 1795 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5069 | Descripcion de la Bahia de Santa Maria de Galve, y Puerto de Sn. Miguel de Panzacola - Lajonk, Jaime - 1700 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5070 | Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme & la Florida - Cierto, Balentin - 1757 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5071 | Descripsio´n de la costa de la Luciana & la Florida - Clemes, Andres - 1784 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5072 | Florida - Coast Of West Florida and Louisiana...with the Bahama Islands - Jefferys, Thomas - 1776 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5073 | General Map of the Southern Dominions Belonging to the U.S.A & Spanish Louisiana and Florida - 1794 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5074 | Il Paese de' Selvaggi Outauacesi, e Kilistinesi Intorno al Lago Superiore - Zatta, A. & Mitchell J. - 1778 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5075 | Map showing portion of the Caribbean Sea from Florida Keys to Nicaragua - 1790s | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5076 | Maps of East and West Florida - Romans, Bernard - 1781 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5077 | Pansacola o Santta Mari´a de Galbe - 1760 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5078 | Parte Orientale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina Meridionale - Zatta, A. & Mitchell J. - 1778 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5079 | Plan of the town and harbour of St. Augustine - Jefferys, Thomas - 1762 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5080 | Plano de la bahia de Pansacola - Paredes, Antonio Donato - 1782 | 1700s | Donated by Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5081 | Plano de la ciudad y puerto de San Agustin de la Florida - Lopez de Vargas Machuca, Toma - 1783 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5082 | Ports et Detroits des Florides sur le Golfe du Mexique - late 1700s | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5083 | San Agustin de la Florida - Rocque, Mariano de la - 1791 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5084 | Spanish East and West Florida - Morse, Jedidiah - 1794 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5085 | The Island of Cuba with part of the Bahama Banks & the Martyrs - Jefferys, Thomas - 1775 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5086 | The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida or Channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands - Jefferys, Thomas - 1775 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5087 | West and East Florida - Young & Delleker Sc. - 1790 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5088 | A correct map of Pensacola Bay, Florida with Fort Pickens & other Fortifications - Weiss, Jacob - 1860s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5089 | A map of part of Alabama & Florida, showing the route of the proposed Columbus & Pensacola Rail Road - Palmer, W.R. - 1836 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5090 | A new map of Florida - Published by Charles Desilver - 1859 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5091 | A new sectional map - Florida - 1888 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5092 | Alabama, Georgia & Northern Florida Railroads - 1860 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5093 | Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida - mid 1800s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5094 | Bahia de Tampa - Dericcio n de Hidrografi a - 1809 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5095 | Bella Vista Plantation Map - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5096 | Bird’s eye view of De Land, Florida - Wellge, Henry - 1884 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5097 | Bird’s eye view of Key West and Key West Island, Florida Stoner, J.J. - 1884 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5098 | Bird’s eye view of Longwood, Florida - Miller, G.A. - 1885 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5099 | Birds Eye View of Cedar Key, Florida - Stoner, J.J. - 1884 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5100 | Birds eye view of Jacksonville, Florida - Koch, Augustus - 1876 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5101 | Bird's Eye View of Louisiana, Miss., Ala., and Parts of Florida - Bachmann, John - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5102 | Birds-eye-view of the Richmond & Danville Railroad and the Florida Central & Peninsular Systems and their connections - American Bank Note Co. - 1893 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5103 | Cedar Keys, Florida From a trigonometrical survey - U.S. Coast Survey - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5104 | Cessions of Indian Lands - 1816-1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5105 | Chart of the West Indies and Spanish Dominions in North America - by A. Arrowsmith - 1803 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5106 | Charts of Savannah River, Pensacola Bay, and Key West with several fortifications - Smith, Jim - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5107 | Cherokee and Creek Indians - War Dept. Map - 1815 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5108 | Coast of Florida - Vicinity of Cedar Keys - U.S. Coast Survey - 1851 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5109 | Colton's Florida Map - Colton, J.H. - 1855 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5110 | Colton's Florida Map - Colton, J.H. - 1868 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5111 | Colton's Florida Map - Colton, J.H. - 1886 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5112 | Colton's New Township Map of Florida - G.W. & C.B. Colton - 1868 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5113 | Composite - Bahama Banks, Gulf of Florida - Blunt, Edmund March - 1827 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5114 | County Map of Florida - Bradley & Company - 1882 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5115 | County Map of Florida - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1860 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5116 | County Map of Florida with Mobile - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1867 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5117 | County Map of Florida with Mobile - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1870 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5118 | Dinner Island - with plats - 1834 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5119 | Dinner Island with Spring Garden Trail & Kings Road - 1850 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5120 | Drew’s new map of the state of Florida, showing the townships by the U.S. Surveys - Drew, Columbus - 1874 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5121 | Drew's New Map of Florida - Published by C. Drew - 1876 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5122 | Drew's New Map Of The State Of Florida - Drew, Columbus - 1870 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5123 | East Florida -T13S-R31E -Smith's Creek & South - Surveyed by Henry Washington - 1852 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5124 | Flagler County Map - Bulow Heirs - 1850s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5125 | Florida - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5126 | Florida - Asher & Adams -1874 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5127 | Florida - Bradford, Thomas G. - 1838 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5128 | Florida - Burr, David H - 1839 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5129 | Florida - Carey, H. C - 1822 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5130 | Florida - Colton, G.W. - 1856 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5131 | Florida - Cram Atlas Company - 1875 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5132 | Florida - East Coast grants of rich planters lands of Grahams Swanp - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5133 | Florida - Finley, Anthony - 1826 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5134 | Florida - General Map XI - Julius Bien & Co.- U.S. War Department - 1895 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5135 | Florida - General Map XII - Julius Bien & Co.- U.S. War Department - 1895 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5136 | Florida - H.S. Tanner - 1839 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5137 | Florida - Hinton, John Howard - 1832 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5138 | Florida - Indian & Military Reservations, Land Grants ect. - General Land Office - 1878 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5139 | Florida - Johnson, A.J. - 1860 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5140 | Florida - Letts Son & Co. Limited London - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5141 | Florida - Lucas, Fielding Jr - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5142 | Florida - Map of Counties - 1895 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5143 | Florida - Meyer, Joseph - 1845 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5144 | Florida - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1831 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5145 | Florida - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1845 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5146 | Florida - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5147 | Florida - Morse, Sidney Edwards & Breese, Samuel - 1845 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5148 | Florida - Published by Augustus Mitchell - 1850 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5149 | Florida - Published by J.H. Colton & Co. - 1855 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5150 | Florida - Published by S. Augustus Mitchell - Orange County extends to Atlantic Ocean - mid 1800s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5151 | Florida - Rand McNally and Company - 1879 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5152 | Florida - Rand McNally and Company - 1897 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5153 | Florida - routes of the Army during Seminole War - 1839 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5154 | Florida - Seat of War - U.S. Corp of Engineers - 1839 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5155 | Florida - Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain) - 1834 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5156 | Florida - St. Mary's River to Smyrna - 1837 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5157 | Florida - Tanner, Henry S. - 1825 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5158 | Florida - Tanner, Henry S. - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5159 | Florida - Tanner, Henry S. - 1836 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5160 | Florida - U.S. General Land Office - 1866 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5161 | Florida - with Counties - M. Bradley & Bro. - 1886 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5162 | Florida - with Mosquito County - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5163 | Florida And Part Of Georgia And Alabama - Bachmann, John - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5164 | Florida by H.S. Tanner - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5165 | Florida with counties - 1895 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5166 | Florida, Georgia & South Carolina - Lloyd, H. H. - 1873 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5167 | Florida, Georgia & South Carolina - Walling, H. F. & Gray, Ormando Willis - 1872 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5168 | Floride Occidentale et une portion du territoire du Mississipi - Lafon, Barthe le my - 1806 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5169 | Floride, Delta du Mississippi canal - Poussin, Guillaume Tell - 1834 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5170 | Florides et Iles Lucayes - Vandermaelen, Philippe - 1827 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5171 | Georgia & Florida - 1890s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5172 | Georgia and Northcentral Florida - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5173 | Georgia, Alambama & Florida - Colton, J.H. - 1858 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5174 | Georgia, Mississippi and West Florida - hand drawn - 1800 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5175 | Graham Swamp area Plantations - Handwritten - 1820s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5176 | Green Cove Springs, county seat of Clay County, Florida - Norris, Wellge & Co. - 1885 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5177 | Jackson's Indian and Gulf Campaigns - 1813-1818 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5178 | Jacksonville, Florida - Drawn and published by August Koch - 1893 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5179 | Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Indian River Railway - Matthews-Northrup Co. - Peninsula of Florida - 1893 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5180 | Johnson's Florida - 1863 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5181 | Key West, Florida harbor and its approaches - U.S. Coast Survey - 1852 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5182 | Key West, Florida harbor and its approaches - U.S. Coast Survey - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5183 | Map of Fernandina region of Florida - 1860s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5184 | Map of Florida - According to the Latest Authorities - S. Augustus Mitchell - 1834 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5185 | Map of Florida - by H.S. Tanner - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5186 | Map of Florida - by Thomas, Cowperthwait and Co. - 1850 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5187 | Map of Florida - Searcy, I. G. - 1829 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5188 | Map of Florida - Vignoles, Charles Blacker - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5189 | Map of Florida with Counties - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5190 | Map of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5191 | Map of the coast of Georgia & Florida - 1863 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5192 | Map of the lands belonging to Richard S. Hackley in East Florida - 1823 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5193 | Map of the Seat of War - Hood, Washington - 1838 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5194 | Map of the State of Florida - 1850 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5195 | Map of the State of Florida - Drew, Columbus - 1856 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5196 | Map of the State of Florida - U.S. General Land Office - 1859 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5197 | Map of the Territory of Florida - Burr, David H. - 1835 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5198 | Map of the Territory of Florida - Greenleaf, Jeremiah - 1840 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5199 | Maps showing the Florida Transit and Peninsula Rail Road and its connections - G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. - 1882 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5200 | Matanzas Inlet area 2nd Seminole War Forts - 1840 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #1 | Paper & Digital |
M5201 | Matanzas Inlet to Volusia - Spring Garden Trail - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5202 | Matanzas Inlet to Volusia - Spring Garden Trail - wide view - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5203 | Matanzas Inlet with Fort Fulton - Spring 1852 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5204 | Military map no. 54, under direction of Capt. P. C. Hains, U.S.A., Act. Chief, Engineer Dept. of the Gulf - Hains, Peter C. - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5205 | Military Map of the New Symrna vicinity - 1842 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5206 | Miss., Ala., Georgia and Northern Florida - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5207 | Mobile, Florida - Mitchell, Samuel Augustus - 1880 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5208 | N. & S. Carolina, Georgia & Florida - J.H. Young Co. - mid 1800s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5209 | NE Florida - Newmansville - St. Augustine - Fort Mellon area - 1846 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5210 | New Smyrna - 2nd Seminole War forts and roads - 1840 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5211 | No. 4 Map of the United States and Texas - Mitchells - 1839 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5212 | Northern part of Florida - Lindenkohl, Henry (U.S. Coast Survey) - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5213 | Operations along the Florida east coast - St. Augustine to Indian River Inlet - 1837 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5214 | Panoramic view of Lake City, Florida, county seat of Columbia County - Norris, Wellge & Co. - 1885 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5215 - | Pellicer and Carter Plantations - Clements and Clements Map - 1834 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5216 | Pensacola, Florida area during the Civil War - 1862 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5217 | Pensacola, Florida, county seat of Escambia County - Wellge, Henry - 1885 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5218 | Preliminary chart of Escambia and Santa Maria de Galvaez East Bays, Florida - U.S. Coast Survey - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5219 | Preliminary chart of main entrance to Charlotte Harbor, Florida - U.S. Coast Survey - 1863 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5220 | Preliminary chart of St. Augustine harbor, Florida Triangulation - U.S. Coast Survey - 1862 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5221 | Preliminary chart of the northeastern part of the Gulf of Mexico, including the Strait of Florida - U.S Coast Survey - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5222 | Preliminary chart of western end of Florida Reefs including Tortugas Keys - U.S. Coast Survey - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5223 | Preliminary coast chart Florida Reefs - Sheet 1 - U.S. Coast Survey - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5224 | Preliminary coast chart Florida Reefs - Sheet 2 - U.S. Coast Survey - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5225 | Preliminary coast chart Florida Reefs - Sheet 3 - U.S. Coast Survey - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5226 | Preliminary coast chart Florida Reefs - Sheet 4 - U.S. Coast Survey - 1864 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5227 | Railroad Lines in Actual Operation - October, 1860 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5228 | Rand, McNally & Co.'s Florida - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5229 | Reconnaissance of Channel No. IV Cedar Keys, Florida - U.S. Coast Survey - 1844 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5230 | Removal of Southern Indians - 1830-1834 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5231 | Schonberg's Map of Florida - 1866 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5232 | Seminole War Forts near Matanzas Inlet - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5233 | Sketch map of northeastern Florida showing the Florida Railroad and proposed connections - Koerner, P.W. Oscar - 1860 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5234 | Sketch of Pensacola Navy Yard and Fort Pickens from U.S. coast surveys - Williams, W.A. - 1860s | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5235 | Sketch showing the positions of the beacons on the Florida reefs erected by Lieut. James Totten, U.S. Army, Assistant, U.S.C.S - U.S. Coast Survey - 1861 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5236 | Slavery and Slave Trade - 1830-1850 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5237 | Smyrna area - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5238 | Southern Ports and Harbors in the U.S.A. (Pensacola & Key West) - by L. Bartholomew - 1880 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5239 | Spanish West and East Florida - F. Lucas Jr. - 1800 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5240 | St. Augustine to Lake Henry, Florida - Maj. Henry Reconnaissance Map - 1838 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5241 | St. Augustine to Volusia - Seminole War Forts Map - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5242 | St. Mary’s River and Fernandina harbor, Florida - U.S. Coast Survey - 1862 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5243 | St. Marys & St. Johns Rivers area - 1846 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5244 | Standard guide map of the state of Florida - Matthews- Northrup Company - 1891 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5245 | States of SC, Georgia, Ala., and Florida - Prof. H.D. Rogers & A. Keith Johnston - 1857 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5246 | Tennessee, Ala. and Northern Florida - J. Oomkens - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5247 | The Bahama Banks and Gulf of Florida. East sheet - Blunt, Edmund March - 1827 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5248 | The Bahama Banks and Gulf of Florida. West sheet - Blunt, Edmund March - 1827 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5249 | The coasts of West Florida, Ala., Miss. & Louisiana - by Edmund Blunt - 1828 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5250 | The east coast of Florida is paradise regained (F.E.C.R.) - Beckwith, J.P. - 1898 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5251 | The State of Florida - Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough - 1846 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5252 | The United States - 1800 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5253 | Township Map of Florida - Associated Railway Land Dept of Florida - 1890 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5254 | United States - 1821 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5255 | United States - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5256 | United States and Canada - 1810 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5257 | View of the city of Tallahassee, Florida, State capital of Florida - Wellge, Henry - 1885 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5258 | West Indien mit Florida d. Landenge v. Panama - Ad. Stieler - 1818 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5259 | West Indies & Spanish Dominions - Arrowsmith, Aaron - 1810 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5260 | Aero-view of Tallahassee - Wynne, James - 1926 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5261 | Associated Railway - Land Department of Florida - Information about maps - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5262 | Bulow Plantation Map - sec 37-38 - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5263 | Flagler County Plat Map - with Atlantic Beach (Flagler Beach) - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5264 | Flagler County Plat Map with Bull Creek - 1990s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5265 | Florida - Black and White Mileage Map - Rand McNally - 1920 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5266 | Florida - Steamship Lines and Railroads - Rand McNally - 1920 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5267 | Florida - with Counties - 1910 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5268 | Florida Railroad Map - Front & Back Covers - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5269 | Florida, Indiana, Virginia & Rhode Island with local products - 1920s | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5270 | Fort Fulton and surrounding area map sketch - 1983 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5271 | Fort Peyton - aerial view - 1990s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5272 | Gulf of Mexico with part of Western Florida - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5273 | Jacksonville and Vicinity Road Map - Rand McNally - 1925 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5274 | Leahy's Railway Distance Map of Florida - American Hotel Register Co. - 1934 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5275 | Map of Flagler County - Locations of Towns and Villages - 1917 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5276 | Map of Flagler County - Township Plats - Aug. 1926 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Digital | Digital |
M5277 | Map of West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, and Palm Beach, Florida - Rand McNally Co. - 1907 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5278 | Moultrie Creek area - the 1894 travels of John Polk Weeks 1975 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5279 | NE Florida - Plantations - approx. locations against modern map - 1980s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5280 | NE Florida Plantations - Hand Drawn by Alice Strickland - 1983 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5281 | New Smyrna with assumed course of Kings Road - 1900s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5282 | Ormond Beach with 1835 & 1845 plats - 1900s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5283 | Panoramic view of West Palm Beach, North Palm Beach and Lake Worth - Pleuthner, W.K. - 1915 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5284 | Peninsula of Florida and Adjacent Islands - Published by FL East Coast Railway - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5285 | Rand McNally Auto Trails Map - SE U.S.A. - 1920 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5286 | Rand McNally Auto Trails Map - State of Florida - 1920 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5287 | Rand McNally Junior Auto Road Map of Florida - 1920 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5288 | Rand, McNally & Co.s New Business Atlas Map of Florida - 1903 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5289 | St. Augustine Beach - 1990s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5290 | St. Augustine Beach - with Osceola Capture Site - 1900s | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5291 | St. Johns Park - Town Layout Map - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5292 | State of Florida base map - Geological Survey - Compiled in 1932 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5293 | The Rand-McNally indexed county and township pocket map and shippers guide of Florida showing all railroads, cities, towns, villages, post offices, lakes, rivers, etc. - 1900 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5294 | Tomoka Creek Area Map - Bockelman Lost Causeway - 1980s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5295 | Beverly Beach with locations of 1834 & 1850 Plats - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5296 | Daytona Beach with assumed course of Kings Road - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5297 | Daytona Beach with Spanish Land Grant Plat Indicators - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5298 | Dinner Island with Faver-Dykes State Park - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5299 | Favoretta with 1838-1850 plats - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5300 | Flagler Beach - east - with 1834 & 1849-50 plats - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5301 | Flagler Beach - west - with 1834 & 1849-50 plats - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5302 | Lost British Causeway in North Flagler County - 2003 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5304 | Ormond Beach with assumed course of Kings Road - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5305 | Samsula with assumed course of Kings Roads - 2000 | 2000s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5306 | St. Joseph Landing - Hernandez Plantations - 1830s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5307 | Le Petite Fort on the Matanzas River - 1565 | 1500s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5308 | Matanzas Inlet & Penon Inlet area - 1769 | 1700s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5309 | Gulf of Mexico, La Florida, Yucatan and Cuba - 1559 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5310 | Cantino Planisphere - World Map by an unknown Portuguese cartographer - 1502 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5311 | La Florida - Cum Privilegio - 1584 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5312 | U.S. Territorial Florida - Escambia & St. Johns Counties - 1822 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5313 | Florida - Civil War Possessions - Bacon and Company - 18 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5314 | Intracoastal Waterway - Florida East Coast Canal - Flagler County - Sept. 1930 | 1900s | Framed in FCHS Map Room | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5315 | British Possessions in North America - Harper's - 1765 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5316 | Cessions of Indian Lands - Harper's - 1816-1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5317 | Distribution of American Indians - About 1500 - by Linguistic Stocks - Harpers - 1500 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5318 | Division of the West - Proposed by France - Mitchell's - 175 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5319 | Eastern North America - Harpers - 1715 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5320 | Georgia Claims and Spanish Florida Boundary - Harper's - 1789-1802 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5321 | L'Ameriquie Septentrionale - La Floride - 1600s | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5322 | Mappa Geographic Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam - 1600s | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5323 | North America - European Claims, Occupations and Settlements - Harper's - 1689 | 1600s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5324 | Slavery and the Slave Trade - Harper's - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5325 | Tierra Florida - Gutierrez - 1562 | 1500s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5326 | Treaty with Spain - Harper's - 1819 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5327 | United States - Harper's - 1800 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5328 | United States - Harper's - 1821 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5329 | United States - Harper's - 1830 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5330 | West and East Florida - Drawn from the best authorities - 1763 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5331 | British colonies in America - with West and East Florida - 1776 | 1700s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5332 | Spanish East Florida (NE Atlantic Coast) - Roads and Plantations during the Patriot War – From St. Augustine to Musquito Inlet – Circa 1812 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Map Binder #2 | Paper & Digital |
M5333 | Beverly Beach - Kings Road & 1800s Plats | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5334 | British East Florida Map - St. Augustine and South - 1769 | 1700s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5335 (1) M5335 (2) M5335 (3) M5335 (4) M5335 (5) | Bunnell - no. 1 - 1926 Bunnell - no. 2 - 1926 Bunnell - no. 3 - 1926 Bunnell - no. 4 - 1926 Bunnell - no. 5 - 1926 | 1900s | FCHS | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 (5 Separate Folded Sheets) | Paper & Digital |
M5336 | Knox Jones subdivison - 1991 | 1900s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5337 | Land District East - Territory of Florida - John Bunch land grant - May 1831 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5338 | Land District East - Territory of Florida - Francis Pellicer Land Grant Map - 1835 | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5339 | Flagler County - Bureau of soils - 1918 | 1900s | FCHS | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5340 | Map of the coast of Georgia & Florida - 1863 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5341 | Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Indian River Railway - Matthews-Northrup Co. - Peninsula of Florida - 1893 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5342 | St. Augustine & Anastasia Island - 1820s | 1800s | Collection of Bill Ryan | Paper: Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5343 | Volusia / Flagler Counties & Vicinity - Rand McNally - (Street Finder) - 1999-2000 Edition | 2000s | Donated by Claudia Deen Malo | Gray Shelf - 2 | Book |
M5344 | The Historical Cartographic Evidence of Customary Use of the Beaches of Flagler County | 2000s | Prepared by Steven R. Davis - Flagler Beach, Florida - June 18, 2018 | Gray Shelf - 2 | Book |
M5345 | Map of St. Johns Park, Florida - Filed April 20, 1909 - W. Wallace - Clerk Cir. Court | 1900s | Donated by Sisco Deen | Original is framed and hanging in the Annex Conference Room | Paper & Digital |
M5346 | Flagler County - Universal Map - 1996-1997 Edition | 1900s | FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5347 | Map of Florida - Rand McNally - World Atlas and Gazetteer - 1940 | 1900s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5348 | Seminole Reservation and 15 Counties including Mosquito County in Florida - 1831 | 1800s | Collection of Randy Jaye | Digital | Digital |
M5349 | Alvah Alonzo Bunnell Planing and Saw Mills in Holly Hill - circa 1901 | 1900s | Flat Map (photograph) - Donated by the Holly Hill Historical Museum | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5350 | Bunnell, Flagler Beach and Palm Coast | 2000s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5351 | Zoning - County of Volusia - Sheet Number 3101 - Prepared by Growth Management Service Group - January 28, 2004 | 2000s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5352 | Flagler County & Palm Coast, Bunnell and Flagler Beach | 2000s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5353 | Map of East Volusia County | 2000s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5354 | Marina Bay at Flagler Beach | 2000s | Flat Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5355 | Flagler County, Florida - Sections 3,4,9,10 - Township 13S - Range 31E - Map Number 11-J - (DRAFT) | 2000s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5356 | Palm Coast - ITT Community Development Corporation - July 1977 | 1900s | Fold-Out Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5357 | Map of Eastern Part of St. Johns and Flagler and Volusia Counties - by D.D. Moody - 1940s | 1900s | Laminated - Flat | Hanging on Wall | Paper & Digital |
M5358 | Flagler County - Proj. 72-B, Proj. 72-C - Bunnell, SR No. 4 and FECR - Dated 7-18-1931 | 1900s | Flat Map - FCHS | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper & Digital |
M5359 | British Possessions in North America, 1765 - As defined by the Treaty of 1763, Proclamation of 1763 and the Royal Orders of 1764-1767. | 1700s | Folded Map - Map Courtesy of Colonial Research Associates - [5 copies] | Gray Shelf - 2 | Paper |
M5360 | Flagler County Soil Map - ca. 1918 Original - Flat | 1900s | Framed in FCHS Map Room | Hanging on Wall | Paper |
M5361 | Palm Coast - ITT Community Development Corporation - Original | 1900s | Framed in FCHS Map Room | Hanging on Wall | Paper |
M5362 | A Map of Florida for Garden Lovers - 1934 | 1900s | Framed in FCHS Map Room | Hanging on Wall | Paper |
M5363 | Bunnell, Florida - 1939-1941 | 1900s | Unframed in the FCHS Map Room | Hanging on Wall | Paper |
M5364 | St. Johns Development Company - "The Famous Haw Creek Country" - ca. 1920 | 1900s | Framed in FCHS Conference Room | Hanging on Wall | Paper |
M5365 | Soil Survey of Flagler County, Florida - U.S. Department of Agriculture - by Arthur E. Taylor (Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1918) | 1900s | Large color fold out map of Flagler County. Collection of Randy Jaye | Gray Shelf - 2 | Book |
White PVC Containers with Maps
Number | White Round Container Name/Description | Comments | Location | Format |
1 | Florida State Road Map - 1917 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
2 | * New Sectional Map of Florida * Land Dept. South Florida R.R. dated 1888 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
3 | * St. Johns County - Plat Map - Oct. 15, 1913 * Moses Creek Area - 1915 | Donated by Alma Nemrava 2 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper & Digital |
4 | Early (undated) British Map - N. Florida, St. Johns County prior to 1917 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper & Digital |
5 | St. Johns County - Moses Creek Area - 1850-1852 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper |
6 | * Right of Way Maps - St. Johns - 1953-54 * Gen. Highway Map - St. Johns County - 1962 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
7 | Flagler County Highway Map - Dec. 1966 | Donated by Sisco Deen | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
8 | Florida Post Route Map - Mar. 1911 | Donated by Alma Nemrava 2 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
9 | St. Johns Plat Maps * 1 - Sec. 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47 (Twp. 105) * 2 - Twp. 6, 7, (1928) * 3 - lands - 1913 * 4 - lands - 1913 * 5 - lands - 1913 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
10 | Florida Road Condition - 1923 | Donated by Alma Nemrava 2 copies | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
11 | * Signed Prints Florida Heritage* Old 41 - The Manatee CRR * Island Belle at Cedar Key - suitable for frame | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
12 | Property Assessment Map Flagler County - undated | old | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper & Digital |
13 | * Maj. Fanning & Maj. Ashby - 1838-1839 - Recon. Map (2) * Old Kings - Pellicer Creek - Twin Bridges - Seminole War Era | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
14 | * Map North Florida - 1864 * Survey Map - U.S. Coast Survey * R.R. Routes | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
15 | Florida Survey Map - 1856 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
16 | Palm Coast Holdings - Subdivisions - Ordinance Legends - 1998-1999 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
17 | Survey Maps of St. Johns County - 1917-1943 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
18 | Map of Dinner Island - 1943 | Donated by Sisco Deen | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
19 | St. Johns County Maps: * 1917 * 1923 * 1926 * 1976 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
20 | * Carterville Post Office - 1881 * Dinner Island NE - 1956 * Moultrie Heights - 1927 * St. Sebastion Bridge - Knowlton Cottages - 1888 * Rail Roads & Roads - St. Johns & Flagler County | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
21 | Map of St. Johns & Flagler & Mosquito County (law suit evidence) - Cartersville, Carter Rd. | Donated by Alma Nemrava | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
22 | St. Johns County Road Program - 1926-1928 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
23 | Florida Highway Survey Map - 1966 (Notes trip to Bunnell 1918 shows Bunnell Dev. Co.) | Donated by Gloria and Sisco Deen | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
25 | Flagler Soil Map 1918 - U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
26 | "Isle in the Bay" Offset Lithograph by Manuel Luz ca. 1981 (with Certificate of Authenticity) | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
27 | Map Hernandez Estates - 1926 - Flagler County | Good Quality | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
28 | Bunnell Fla. Lot Layout & Map - 1939-1941 | 5 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
29 | City of Palm Coast Promotion Map, Plan and Description - 1978 | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
30 | Indian Burial Mounds - Marineland - 15-DEC-1939 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper & Digital |
31 | Bunnell Development Company land plat - 1917 | 3 copies | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper |
32 | Flagler Beach Model Land Company - Subdivision - 1926 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
33 | Intercoastal Waterway - Right of Way Maps - Flagler County - 1930 (5) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
34 | Intercoastal Waterway - Right of Way Maps - Dupont Properties - 1930 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
35 | Intercoastal Waterway - Right of Way Maps - Flagler County - Nov. 1930 (8) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
36 | Artesia - 1935 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
37 | Bunnell Development Co. Land @ Bunnell - 1985 | 2 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
38 | Lehigh - Portland Cement Co. - R.R. Spur - 2-12-1974 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
39 | Colony Park Subdivision - 1961 (5) | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
40 | Florida Coastal Zone - Vital Areas | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
41 | Seat of War in Florida - 1838 | Large maps and good quality 2 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
42 | 1769 Copy of British Map - (N.E. Florida shows Inlet and Matanzas) - Blackbourne Grant | Donated by Alma Nemrava & Bill Ryan | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
43 | City of Bunnell Plat Map - 1987 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
44 | Map Seat of the War - 1839 - John Mackay and J.E. Blake | High Quality - Donated by Alma Nemrava & Bill Ryan | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
45 | The State of Florida - Bureau of Topographical Engineering - 1846 | High Quality | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
46 | Osceola Captive Site - 1834 map - drawn in 1850 by John Masters | Donated by Bill Ryan | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
47 | Flagler Tribune Map of Flagler County - Jan. 1924 | 2 copies | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper |
48 | Magnolia Manor - 1957 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
49 | Fox's Cut Survey | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
50 | City of Bunnell - Rev. 1993-3 (3/30/94) | 3 copies | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper |
51 | Bunnell (Water Facilities, Storage Tanks) - 1926 (2 sets 1-5) | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
52 | Prelim. Site Plan - Housing Authority of Flagler County, 1- A, 1-B (4/17/1953) | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
53 | Flagler County - 1917 - Hernandez Estate Co. Newspaper Map (5) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
54 | Flagler County (FLA. State Board of Health) - (26) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
55 | ICWW Grant for Deposit of Dredged Land - 1931-1934 | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
56 | Aerial View - N. Bunnell (1-1-74) | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
57 | S.E. Flagler County / N.E. Volusia County (Ormond) - 1946 | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
58 | Flagler County - Rev. 1984 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
59 | Palm Coast Promotional Map - 1993 & Aerial Photo | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
60 | Florida Survey Map - 1859 | Donated by Alma Nemrava | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
61 | Flagler County Street Index (2002-2003) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
62 | * Dolph's Map of Bunnell, Flagler Beach, Palm Coast - 2004 (Chamber of Commerce) * The World on the Mercator Projection - ca. 1938 - Side A - Keep the Horrors of War Away from America - Side B - The New Map of Europe * The Theatre of War - Germany and France (WW2) - Side A - Map of the Southern States (USA) - Side B | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
63 | Gen. Highway & Transportation Map - Flagler County - Rev. 1939 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
64 | North Raffles Surf Club - Sec. 85 - Palm Harbor | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
65 | Township #12S - Range #31 E Mer. (Bulowville) - 1911 | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
66 | Flagler County - Sept. 1924 (2) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
67 | Sect. 7301-175 Road #5 - Right of Way Map Bunnell - 1955 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
68 | General Highway Map - Flagler Co. - Jan. 1955 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
69 | General Highway Map - Flagler Co. - Dec. 1966 (Rev. Dec. 1982) | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
70 | General Highway Map - Flagler Co. - June 1995 | Gray Shelf - 3 | Paper | |
71 | Flagler County - Aug. 1926 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
72 | Florida Road Map - 1917 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
73 | St. Augustine Lighthouse to Port Orange Lighthouse - Sounding Map - ca. 1967 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
74 | 1838 Military Map - St. Johns River | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
75 | WWII Amer. Leg. Vets List | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
76 | Southeast United States - National Geographic - 1947 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
77 | Unknown Manuscipt - Sept. 1905 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
78 | Florida State Map - 1839 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
79 | (Current Flagler area) and St. Johns Counties - 1769 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
80 | Espanola Cemetery - 1965 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
81 | 1846 - Topographical Engineering Map | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
82 | Nautical Chart Guide - Sept. 1967 | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
83 | Flagler County Timber Tract - 1916 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
84 | * The Communities of Palm Coast - ca. mid-1980s - [Color] - ITT Community Development Corporation * Palm Coast, Florida - with points of interest - ca. mid- 1980s | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
85 | Bunnell (Apr. 1926) - Lot Maps (5 various sections) by the Sanborn Map Co. | Gray Shelf - 4 | Paper | |
86 | Road Map - State of Florida - 1917 | 2 copies | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |
87 | * Map of the Seat of War in Florida - by the order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Z. Taylor - ca. 1836 * The State of Florida - ca. 1846 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
88 | * Map of NE Florida from Reconnaisances under the direction of Col. Fanning and Maj. Ashby - ca. 1838-1839 * NE Florida - ca. 1763 * Map of St. Johns County - ca. 1980 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
0024A | Map of Espanola Cemetery | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
0024B | Actual Plot Map of Espanola (plot names) | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper | |
0024C | Espanola Cemetery - Jan. 20, 1965 | White Rolling Floor Shelf | Paper |