In 1791 Josiah Dupont (b-1742) arrived in this area to settle lands near the Matanzas River. His family remained here until the Indian attacks in 1802. His lands were listed as ‘abandoned’ by the Spanish authorities with some being acquired by Mr. Hernandez. In 1825 an Abraham Dupont arrived here (he was not the same Abraham Dupont who was the son of Josiah) and purchased property. The Duponts became part of the extensive history of this area.
Dupont Plantation – Indian Attack
(location on Matanzas north in present-day Flagler)
Transcription from Florida Herald Issue May 11, 1836 (Wednesday) by Bill Ryan
(pages faded and difficult to read) (Sunday would be May 8, 1836)
More Indian Murder and depredations — Mr. Abraham Dupont, who resides at Matanzas about 25 miles south of this city, arrived on Sunday morning at about 7 o’clock, having traveled on foot all night with his two little sons, whence he was obliged to flee for safety. Mr. Dupont states that about 10 o’clock on Saturday night he was alarmed by some of his negroes, who told him that the Indians were at the negro houses. Mr. Joseph Long who have come over from the opposite side of the River for the purpose of hunting cattle the next day, lodged at Mr. D’s house, was roused, and also his children. Mr. Long on arising up, proposed going to the stable to get his horse, and jumped out of the window and proceeded towards the stable when he was shot down about 40 yards from the house. Mr. Dupont had four guns loaded in his house, three of which he fired in the direction of the place where Mr. Long was shot, which had the effect of making the Indians retreat farther off, when they commenced firing at the house and yelling. He was thus enabled to come out of his house by the back door, and fearing his retreat to his boats were cut off, he fled across his field through the thickets to the public road.
Mr. Dupont met some of his negroes, from whom he procured a blanket and wrapped round one of his children, who had been forced to come away without his clothes.
A negro man belonging to Mr. Dupont, who had been taken by the Indians was with them about six hours, arrived here in the afternoon, states that he went around among the negro houses, and found them all deserted, with the exception of one old negro and a small negro child, and as the Indians showed no disposition to molest the negroes he left the child in charge of the old negro. They had ransacked Mr. Dupont’s house and loaded his horses with plunder, one of which the negro brought off with him when he made his escape. They distributed Mr. Dupont’s guns among the negroes and told them to kill every white man they saw. They had previously visited Gen. Hernandez’s plantation and secured their negroes, whom they carried off. The rest of the negroes escaped to town, as slaves all of Mr. Dupont’s.
On Sunday morning, upon the receipt of the above information, Gen. Scott sent Capt Dunson’s Company of U.S. Artillery, unmounted accompanied by 10 volunteers in each of them. After riding until sunset the came upon a party of Indians, 7 to 10 in number, who were driving off a large body of cattle. The volunteers were in advance and charged upon them and fired wounding two of them. The Indians returned the fire and killed Mr. Dupont’s horse under him, and wounded Capt Dimick’s. The remainder of the Indians fled into the Hammock near by, and were pursued by the troops who poured in a heavy fire. One of the regulars was killed and four wounded two of them severely – – night coming on they were compelled to retire in the open woods; where they encamped and remained a few hours but as there was no water for horses or men, they retired to St. Josephs.
The whole number might have been taken had daylight lasted. Capt. Dimick reports 4 Indians killed and probably as many wounded. The man who was killed, they buried, and returning to the ground the next day, they found him dug up and scalped. They were well supplied with ammunition and had considerable plunder with them.
A silver spoon, with the initials of R.D.J. was taken from the packs of one of them. They had tobacco, fishing lines, and a great number of small articles with them.
other dates and information:
Trinity Parrish St. Augustine Burial Records Sunday May 8 1836 Bulow – Rev. Parker Adams (no place of burial given) John Jacob Bulow buried in St. Augustine.
A death notice was placed by his uncle in the Charleston Observer, issue of 21 May 1836 giving the date of death as Saturday night May 7 1836. I have not viewed this actual article which is said to be on microfilm at the Charleston library.
It is not known how or why John Jacob Bulow died as thus reported on Saturday 7 May in St. Augustine. Obviously there was great alarm about prospective Indian attacks, and this was re-enforced by the arrival of Mr. Dupont Sunday morning with his two small children and subsequent sortie of an army group against the Indians.
(Another account had mentioned a Black housekeeper, but there is no mention in this story). Many later writers had Bulow returning to Paris and his death there.
I have no idea where they obtained this information.