Call 437 0600 leave your name and number for information
We are open from 10 am to 1 pm each Wednesday
after hours leave your name and phone number, your call will be returned.
There are no tours in July and August
Discover many of our historic sites in Flagler County. (Bus Tour route)
Tours begin at Holden House Museum in Bunnell. There is ample parking here on West Side lot of Holden House Museum. West side is towards US1. PLEASE PARK ON WEST SIDE OF HOLDEN HOUSE.
You should arrive in the parking lot by 9:30 for check-in. There is a briefing at the Holden House. The tour will depart promptly at 10:00 in an air conditioned Flagler Transport bus. Tours include a lunch stop at the historic Bull Creek Fish Camp restaurant (lunch not included in tour price) and normally return to Holden House approximately 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. See Bus Tour route and agenda – subject to change.
Tours are normally scheduled once each month, and are subject to availability of Flagler County Transport Bus. – Important: Advise if wheel chair or walker access is required.
Food is not permitted on bus. Tour routes may change depending on road availability.
There is a fee of $20.00 per person. Planned comfort stops are scheduled.
These tours are becoming very popular and reservations are required.
Mary Ann Clark